What did George Washington and Thomas Jefferson contribute in establishing a stable government after the adoption of the Constitution?

For Washington I have:
1) He became first president for 8 years
2) Proclamation of Neutrality protected Americans from war
3) Jay Treaty resulted in peace for a decade
4) He strongly believed in a strong central government

For Thomas Jefferson I have:
1) The Lousiana Purchase in 1803 (expanded America/ strengthened government)
2)Embargo Act of 1807 ( though failure it did provide Congress with future ideas of only setting embargo on Britain and/or France preceding War of 1812)

This is for an essay so I was wondering if I need better and more points. All help is truly appreciated!

thomas jefferson doubled the size of usa

You should include G.W. putting down the whiskey rebellion

I like how people put answers here although this is from 2008 and he never got the help

You have already noted some key contributions of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson in establishing a stable government after the adoption of the Constitution. However, I can offer you a few additional points that you may consider including in your essay:

George Washington:
5) Whiskey Rebellion: In 1794, Washington responded to a rebellion against the federal excise tax on whiskey by leading a militia force to suppress the uprising. This demonstrated the authority of the federal government and its ability to enforce laws.
6) Farewell Address: In 1796, Washington delivered his Farewell Address, which emphasized the importance of national unity, warned against political factions, and advocated for a policy of neutrality in foreign affairs. This address provided guidance for future leaders in maintaining stability and avoiding conflicts.

Thomas Jefferson:
3) Judiciary Act of 1801: As president, Jefferson worked to repeal or limit the provisions of the Judiciary Act of 1801, which had expanded the power of the federal judiciary and filled it with Federalist appointees. This helped to restore the balance of power between the branches of government and ensure a more partisan-neutral judiciary.
4) Lewis and Clark Expedition: Jefferson commissioned Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to explore and map the vast western territory of the United States. This not only expanded American knowledge of the continent but also paved the way for future settlement and expansion, strengthening the government's control over these lands.

Remember to provide evidence and specific examples to support each point you make in your essay. Additionally, you may want to discuss the broader legacy and impact of these contributions in terms of their significance in establishing a stable government after the adoption of the Constitution.