Shelly wants to plant 6 rows of flowers with 7 flowers in each row. What addition equation and what multiplication equation can she write to find how many flowers she needs to plant? Which equation do your find easier to use ? Why ?

I think it will be 22

Help me what the heck do I do

I'll be glad to check your answer.

6 flowers in each row

I think it’s 42

i hate you

ha 42 ha

To find the total number of flowers Shelly needs to plant, we can use both addition and multiplication equations.

Addition equation: Shelly can add the number of flowers in each row (7) six times, since she wants to plant 6 rows. This can be written as 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 = 42.

Multiplication equation: Shelly can multiply the number of flowers in each row (7) by the number of rows (6). This can be written as 7 x 6 = 42.

Both equations will give us the same answer, which is 42 flowers.

In terms of which equation is easier to use, it often depends on personal preference and the context of the problem. In this case, the multiplication equation may be considered easier, as it involves a single calculation, whereas the addition equation requires multiple additions. Additionally, the multiplication equation directly reflects the concept of repeated addition.