1.Which translation rule describes the translation that is 6 units to the right and 5 units down?

A.(x, y)--> (x+6, y-5)****
B.(x, y)--> (x-6, y-5)
C.(x, y)--> (x+6, y+5)
D.(x, y)--> (x-6, y+5)

2.If point P(4,11) is reflected across the line y=3, what are the coordinates of its reflection image?

3.The vertices of a triangle are P(4, 1), Q(2, -8), and R(-8, 1). What are the vertices of the image reflected across the y-axis?
A. P'(4, -1), Q'(2, 8), and R'(-8, -1)
B.P'(-4, 1), Q'(-2, -8), and R'(8, 1)
C.P'(-4, -1), Q'(-2, 8), and R'(8, -1)****
D.P'(4, 1), Q'(2, -8), and R'(-8, 1)

4. Which letter has rotational symmetry?

5.A(-5, -4)--->A' is a glide reflection where the translation is (x, y)--->(x+6, y) and the line of reflection is y=3 what are the coordinates of A?
A.(1, -4)
B.(-5, 2)
C.(1, 10)
D.(11, 2)****

I think the answers are:
Please correct me if I'm wrong.

You have answered most of the questions correctly, but there are a couple of incorrect answers. Here is the correct analysis:

1. Which translation rule describes the translation that is 6 units to the right and 5 units down?
The correct answer is A. (x, y) --> (x+6, y-5).

2. If point P(4,11) is reflected across the line y=3, what are the coordinates of its reflection image?
The correct answer is A. (2, 11). The reflection across the line y=3 will result in the y-coordinate unchanged.

3. The vertices of a triangle are P(4, 1), Q(2, -8), and R(-8, 1). What are the vertices of the image reflected across the y-axis?
The correct answer is C. P'(-4, -1), Q'(-2, 8), and R'(8, -1).

4. Which letter has rotational symmetry?
The correct answer is B. H. When a letter can be rotated by a certain angle to coincide with its original position, it has rotational symmetry.

5. A(-5, -4) ---> A' is a glide reflection where the translation is (x, y) ---> (x+6, y) and the line of reflection is y=3. What are the coordinates of A?
The correct answer is D. (11, 2). A glide reflection involves both a translation and reflection. In this case, the translation is (x, y) ---> (x+6, y), which moves the point A from -5 to 1 in the x-coordinate. After that, the reflection across the line y=3 would change the y-coordinate from -4 to 2. So the final coordinates are (11, 2).

So, the corrected answers are:
1. A
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. D

You are correct! Here are the correct answers to the questions:

1. A.(x, y)--> (x+6, y-5)
2. C.(4,-11)
3. C.P'(-4, -1), Q'(-2, 8), and R'(8, -1)
4. B. H
5. D. (11, 2)

Well done!

The first ones B the third ones B four is correct