"When before in human history has so humanity collectively surrendered so much of its leisure to one toy, one mass diversion?" How would you answer the rhetorical question?


I'm thinking the answer is never.

He is referring to television or phones so i would think the answer would be that there was never a time in history where one object has gotten so much attention

To answer the rhetorical question, "When before in human history has humanity collectively surrendered so much of its leisure to one toy, one mass diversion?" we can approach it by analyzing various aspects of history and leisure activities.

1. Identify the toy or mass diversion in question: The question implies the existence of a specific toy or mass diversion that has captured the collective attention of humanity and significantly impacted leisure activities. It is necessary to identify which toy or diversion the question is referring to. However, since the question does not provide any specific information, we cannot determine the exact toy or diversion being referred to.

2. Assessing historical leisure activities: To understand the level of surrendering leisure, it is crucial to examine historical periods and their associated leisure activities. Throughout history, human leisure activities have varied greatly, including sports, games, storytelling, music, theater, art, and various recreational pursuits. Each era had its unique forms of entertainment and diversions.

3. Evaluating historical data: To determine whether humanity has collectively surrendered a significant amount of leisure to a specific toy or diversion, we would need comprehensive data on leisure activities throughout history. Such data would measure and compare the time and energy expended on different leisure activities. Unfortunately, due to the complexity and subjectivity of leisure patterns across time, acquiring accurate data covering all of human history would be an extremely challenging task.

As a result, without specific information about the toy or diversion in question, it is difficult to provide a quantitative answer to the question. Rhetorically, one might argue that no other toy or mass diversion in history has captured the collective attention of all of humanity to such an extent. However, this is subjective and cannot be conclusively proven without further context and empirical evidence.

Technology. We use the internet as a mass diversion.

To which toy is the author referring?