home work help

al's garden is 18 feet long and 30 feet wide , he wants to put fence posts the same distance apart along all sides of the garden , what is the greatest distance apart he can place the fence posts

What is the greatest common factor of 18 and 30?


To find the greatest distance apart Al can place the fence posts along all sides of the garden, we need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the length and width of the garden.

Step 1: Calculate the GCD of the length and width of the garden.
- The length of Al's garden is 18 feet.
- The width of Al's garden is 30 feet.

Using a GCD calculator or manually calculating the GCD, we find that the GCD of 18 and 30 is 6.

Step 2: Find the greatest distance that Al can place the fence posts.
Since the GCD represents the greatest common divisor, Al can place the fence posts every 6 feet along all sides of the garden. Therefore, the greatest distance he can place the fence posts is 6 feet apart.

So, Al can place the fence posts 6 feet apart along all sides of the garden.