Alisha bought a collection of 500 old pennies. She chose 20 pennies from the collection and recorded their dates. Seven pennies had dates earlier than 1980.

What percent of the pennies in Alisha’s collection have dates earlier than 1980?

How would I solve this or what do I do ? I'm very confused

Thank you so much!!

To find the percentage of pennies in Alisha's collection that have dates earlier than 1980, you need to divide the number of pennies with dates earlier than 1980 by the total number of pennies in her collection and then multiply by 100.

Let's break this down step-by-step:

Step 1: Determine the number of pennies with dates earlier than 1980.
In this case, seven pennies had dates earlier than 1980.

Step 2: Find the total number of pennies in Alisha's collection.
Alisha bought a collection of 500 old pennies.

Step 3: Calculate the percentage.
Take the number of pennies with dates earlier than 1980 (7) and divide it by the total number of pennies in her collection (500). Then multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage.

(7 / 500) * 100 = 1.4%

So, 1.4% of the pennies in Alisha's collection have dates earlier than 1980.

To solve this problem, you need to find the percentage of pennies in Alisha's collection that have dates earlier than 1980.

1. First, determine the number of pennies in Alisha's collection that have dates earlier than 1980. In this case, it is given that seven pennies have dates earlier than 1980.

2. Next, find the total number of pennies in Alisha's collection, which is given as 500.

3. Now, divide the number of pennies with dates earlier than 1980 by the total number of pennies in the collection. In this case, divide 7 by 500:

7 / 500 = 0.014

4. Finally, convert the decimal to a percentage by multiplying by 100:

0.014 * 100 = 1.4%

Therefore, 1.4% of the pennies in Alisha's collection have dates earlier than 1980.

Divide 7 by 20 and it will give you your percentage.