The total tickets sales for a highschool basketball game were $2.00. The tickets price for students was $2.25 less than the adult ticket price. The number of adults tickets sold was 230, and the number of students tickets sold was 180. What was the price of the adults ticket?

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To find the price of the adult ticket, you first need to determine the price of the student ticket.

Let's assume the price of the adult ticket is "x" dollars.

According to the given information, the price of the student ticket is $2.25 less than the adult ticket price. So, the price of the student ticket is (x - $2.25) dollars.

Now, let's calculate the total amount from the ticket sales:

Total sales = (Number of adult tickets * Price of adult ticket) + (Number of student tickets * Price of student ticket)

Total sales = (230 * x) + (180 * (x - $2.25))

We are given that the total ticket sales amount is $2.00. Therefore, we can set up the equation:

$2.00 = (230 * x) + (180 * (x - $2.25))

Now, let's solve this equation to find the value of "x," which represents the price of the adult ticket.

$2.00 = 230x + 180x - 405

Combine like terms:

$2.00 = 410x - 405

Add 405 to both sides:

$2.00 + $405 = 410x


$407 = 410x

Divide both sides by 410:

$407 / 410 = x

After performing the division, we find that:

x ≈ 0.9939

Therefore, the price of the adult ticket is approximately $0.9939.