1. The greeks believed that zeus, the king of the gods, lived on mount olympus.

2. The titanic sank after hitting an iceberg off the coast of newfoundland.
3. My cousin collects scandinavian pottery.
4. Stephanie is taking english, math II, and biology.
5. On friday we were cheered by the thought that monday, memorial day, would be a holiday.
6. My picture is in today's austin American-Statesman.
7. The quaker oats company has introduced a new corn cereal.
8. Inroots,alex haley, a famous author, traces the history of his family.
9. She usually travels to boston on american airlines.

The following sentences each contain at least one capitalization error. Correctly write the words that require capital letters

1. Greeks, Zeus, King Gods, Mount Olympus

2. Titanic Newfoundland

3. Scandinavian Pottery

4. English, Math

5. Friday, Monday, Memorial Day

6. Austin

7. Quaker Oats

8. Roots, Alex Haley

9. Boston American Airlines

1. Four are right, two are not. The word "god" is not capitalized when referring to ancient religions we no longer believe in. Titles (president, king, principal, etc., are capitalized when used with a proper name. "King Zeus" is correct. "Zeus was the king of the gods." is correct.

2. correct
3. Pottery is a proper noun? No. Scandinavian is.
4. Again, if Biology is the proper name of the class, it is capitalized, too. If it's generic, no.
5. correct
6. correct
7. Is "company" part of the name of the company? If so, it's capitalized. If not, then, no.
8. Correct
9. correct

To correctly write the words that require capital letters in the given sentences:

1. Greeks, Zeus, King of Gods, Mount Olympus

Explanation: In sentence 1, "greeks" should be capitalized to "Greeks" as it denotes a nationality. "Zeus" should be capitalized as it is a proper noun. "King of Gods" should be capitalized as it is a title. "Mount Olympus" should be capitalized as it is a proper noun referring to a specific place.

2. Titanic, Newfoundland

Explanation: In sentence 2, "Titanic" should be capitalized as it is the name of a specific ship. "Newfoundland" should be capitalized as it is a proper noun referring to a specific location.

3. Scandinavian Pottery

Explanation: In sentence 3, "Scandinavian Pottery" should be capitalized as it is a proper noun referring to a specific type of pottery.

4. English, Math II, Biology

Explanation: In sentence 4, "English" should be capitalized as it is the name of a subject. "Math II" should be capitalized as it represents a specific course or level. "Biology" should be capitalized as it is the name of a subject.

5. Friday, Monday, Memorial Day

Explanation: In sentence 5, "Friday" should be capitalized as it is a specific day of the week. "Monday" should be capitalized as it is a specific day of the week. "Memorial Day" should be capitalized as it is a specific holiday.

6. Austin

Explanation: In sentence 6, "Austin" should be capitalized as it is a proper noun referring to a specific city.

7. Quaker Oats

Explanation: In sentence 7, "Quaker Oats" should be capitalized as it is a proper noun referring to a specific company.

8. Roots, Alex Haley

Explanation: In sentence 8, "Roots" should be capitalized as it is the title of a book. "Alex Haley" should be capitalized as it is a proper noun referring to a specific person.

9. Boston, American Airlines

Explanation: In sentence 9, "Boston" should be capitalized as it is a proper noun referring to a specific city. "American Airlines" should be capitalized as it is a proper noun referring to a specific airline.