Movie starts at 5:20 it is a 1 hour and 50 minutes long. What time does the movie end?

If the movie starts at 5:20 is an hour and 15 minutes long what time does the movie end

To calculate the end time of the movie, we need to add the duration of the movie (1 hour and 50 minutes) to the start time (5:20 PM).

First, let's convert the start time to a 24-hour format for easier calculation.

5:20 PM in the 24-hour format is 17:20.

Next, add the duration of the movie to the start time:

17:20 + 1 hour 50 minutes = 18:20 + 50 minutes = 19:10.

Therefore, the movie is scheduled to end at 7:10 PM.

5:20 + 1 = 6:20

:20 + :50 = :70

5:20 + 1:50 = 6:70 = 7:10
