Sarah must maintain a balance of at least $500 in her checking account to avoid finance charges. If her current balance is $794, write an inequality to determine how many times she can withdraw $25 for shopping without paying finance charges.

To solve this question, we need to determine the maximum number of times Sarah can withdraw $25 from her checking account without going below the minimum balance of $500.

Let's define a variable to represent the number of times Sarah can make the $25 withdrawal. Let's call this variable "x".

Each time Sarah withdraws $25, her account balance decreases by $25. Therefore, the amount left in her account after x withdrawals would be her initial balance of $794 minus $25 times x.

Thus, the inequality to represent this situation is:
794 - 25x >= 500

This inequality states that the difference between Sarah's current balance ($794) and the withdrawals made ($25 times x) must be greater than or equal to the minimum required balance ($500).

To find out how many times Sarah can withdraw $25 without paying finance charges, we can solve this inequality for x.

The problem is saying that the difference between $794 and $500 must be greater than X times $25. Can you write the inequality from that information?

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.