Describe some of the achievements of the Middle Kingdom of ancient Egypt.

U posted a link. Without answering the question. Wow..

I assume you can read and would rather get your information form a reputable website than an anonymous online tutor.

Do you have a textbook or did your teacher give you any resources? Can you even read?

The link helped, thanks Ms. Sue. :)

The Middle Kingdom of ancient Egypt, which lasted from approximately 2050 to 1650 BCE, was a period of reestablishment and stability following the disunity of the First Intermediate Period. During this time, the pharaohs of Egypt accomplished several notable achievements:

1. Reunification of Egypt: One of the significant accomplishments of the Middle Kingdom was the reunification of Egypt after the chaos and fragmentation of the First Intermediate Period. The pharaohs successfully established central authority and brought peace to the kingdom.

2. Expanding the Egyptian Borders: The Middle Kingdom pharaohs launched military campaigns to expand Egypt's territorial control. They focused on securing and fortifying the borders, particularly in the eastern part of the Nile Delta and the Sinai Peninsula. This helped to safeguard Egypt against potential invasions.

3. Infrastructure Development: Pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom undertook large-scale infrastructure projects, such as building canals, roads, and irrigation systems. These projects were aimed at improving agricultural productivity, facilitating trade, and ensuring the prosperity of the kingdom.

4. Cultural Development and Arts: The Middle Kingdom witnessed a flourishing of culture and arts. The pharaohs supported the development of literature, particularly narrative literature like stories and legends. One famous example is the Tale of Sinuhe, an Egyptian literary masterpiece. The period also saw advances in architecture, with the construction of impressive structures such as the Mortuary Temple of Mentuhotep II at Deir el-Bahri.

5. Social Reforms: The pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom implemented social reforms that aimed to uplift the common people. They introduced laws to protect the rights of the lower classes, regulated taxation, and provided legal support for those in need.

To learn more about the achievements of the Middle Kingdom, one can explore historical texts and records, such as ancient Egyptian inscriptions and papyri. Additionally, examining archaeological findings, such as temple complexes and tombs, can provide valuable insights into the accomplishments of this period.