Which of the following offers the best definition of the phrase "headright system"?

A)Settlers were given land and, in return, were expected to farm and build on it.***
B)Settlers were given money if they agreed to sell a portion of their crops to Britain.
C)Settlers were given land on which to build schools and other community buildings.
D)Settlers were given money in exchange for taking certain sailing vessels to the New World.

Yes, A.

The best definition of the phrase "headright system" is A) Settlers were given land and, in return, were expected to farm and build on it.

To determine the best definition of the phrase "headright system," we need to understand what the term refers to. The headright system was a legal practice in colonial America, particularly in the southern colonies, where land was granted to individuals based on the number of people they brought to the colony. This system was intended to encourage the settlement and development of the colonies by attracting new settlers.

Now let's analyze each option:

A) Settlers were given land and, in return, were expected to farm and build on it.
This option accurately represents the headright system. Settlers were indeed granted land, which they were then expected to use for farming and building. This option is correct.

B) Settlers were given money if they agreed to sell a portion of their crops to Britain.
This option does not accurately describe the headright system. While settlers may have sold crops, the headright system specifically referred to the granting of land, not monetary compensation for crop sales. This option is incorrect.

C) Settlers were given land on which to build schools and other community buildings.
This option is incorrect. The headright system allocated land to individuals for personal use, not for the construction of schools or community buildings.

D) Settlers were given money in exchange for taking certain sailing vessels to the New World.
This option is also incorrect. The headright system did not involve providing money to settlers in exchange for their transportation to the New World.

Therefore, the correct answer is A) Settlers were given land and, in return, were expected to farm and build on it.