A box has a bottom with one edge 6 times as long as the other. If the box has no top and the volume is fixed at V, what dimensions minimize the surface area?

v = x(6x)*y

y = V/(6x^2)

A = x*6x + 2xy + 2*6xy = 6x^2 + 14xy
= 6x^2 + 14x(V/6x^2)
= 6x^2 + 7V/(3x)

Now just find where dA/dx = 0.

To minimize the surface area of the box, we need to express the surface area as a function of a single variable and then find the critical points of that function. Let's proceed step by step:

1. Let's assume that the length of the shorter edge of the bottom of the box is x. Then, the length of the longer edge will be 6x, as given in the problem.

2. The height of the box can be denoted as h.

3. The volume of the box is fixed and given as V. The volume of a rectangular box is given by multiplying the length, width, and height. So, we have V = x * 6x * h.

4. Rearranging the equation for volume, we get h = V / (6x^2).

5. The surface area of the box can be expressed as the sum of the areas of all its sides. The area of the bottom is x * 6x, the area of the sides is 2xh + 2(6x)h, and since there is no top, we don't include it in the surface area.

6. The total surface area A can be written as A = 6x^2 + 2xh + 12xh.

7. Substituting the expression for h we found earlier, we get A = 6x^2 + 2x(V / (6x^2)) + 12x(V / (6x^2)).

8. Simplifying further, A = 6x^2 + (2V / x) + (12V / x^2).

9. To find the dimensions that minimize the surface area, we need to find the critical points of A with respect to x. We can do this by taking the derivative of A with respect to x and setting it equal to zero.

10. Taking the derivative dA/dx, we get dA/dx = 12x - (2V / x^2) - (24V / x^3).

11. Setting the derivative equal to zero, we have 12x - (2V / x^2) - (24V / x^3) = 0.

12. Multiplying through by x^3 to clear the denominators, we get 12x^4 - 2Vx - 24V = 0.

13. We can now solve this quartic equation for x. Unfortunately, solving a quartic equation is quite complex and typically requires numerical methods or approximation techniques.

In conclusion, the dimensions that minimize the surface area of the box can be found by solving the quartic equation obtained in step 13.

To minimize the surface area of the box, we need to find the dimensions that would minimize it. Let's solve this step by step.

Step 1: Define the variables
Let's assume that the shorter edge of the bottom is x units. Since the longer edge is 6 times as long as the shorter one, the longer edge will be 6x units.

Step 2: Determine the height of the box
Since there is no top, we can see the height as the third dimension. Let's say the height is h units.

Step 3: Express the volume of the box
The volume of the box is fixed at V, so we have:
V = x * 6x * h
V = 6x^2 * h

Step 4: Express the surface area of the box
The surface area of the box is composed of five sides: the bottom and four walls. Let's calculate the area for each side:
Bottom area = x * 6x = 6x^2
Wall 1 area = 6x * h = 6xh
Wall 2 area = 6x * h = 6xh
Wall 3 area = x * h = xh
Wall 4 area = x * h = xh

Total surface area = Bottom area + 4 * Wall area
Total surface area = 6x^2 + 4(6xh + xh)
Total surface area = 6x^2 + 4(7xh)
Total surface area = 6x^2 + 4 * 7xh
Total surface area = 6x^2 + 28xh

Step 5: Express the surface area in terms of one variable
Since we have two variables, x and h, we need to express one in terms of the other using the volume equation.

From the volume equation, we have:
V = 6x^2 * h

Solving for h:
h = V / (6x^2)

Now we substitute the expression for h back into the total surface area equation:
Total surface area = 6x^2 + 28x * (V / (6x^2))
Total surface area = 6x^2 + 28V / x

Step 6: Minimize the surface area
To find the minimum surface area, we differentiate the total surface area equation with respect to x:

d(Total surface area) / dx = 12x - 28V / x^2

To find the critical points, we set the derivative equal to zero:

12x - 28V / x^2 = 0

Simplifying the equation:
12x = 28V / x^2
x^3 = 28V / 12
x^3 = 7V / 3

Taking the cube root of both sides:
x = (7V / 3)^(1/3)

Step 7: Find the value of h
We can substitute the value of x back into the volume equation to find the corresponding value of h:

h = V / (6x^2)
h = V / (6 * ((7V / 3)^(1/3))^2)

Simplifying the equation will give you the value of h.

So, the optimal dimensions of the box to minimize the surface area are x = (7V / 3)^(1/3) and the corresponding value of h can be found by substituting this value of x into the volume equation.