Which of the following sentences contains a linking verb?

(1 point)

Mateo became upset with me today.

I took his last cupcake without permission.

He wanted to eat it this afternoon.

I bought him a new one as a surprise.

Oops, I choose The First One!

Yes, the first one is right.


To determine which sentence contains a linking verb, we need to understand what a linking verb is.

A linking verb is a verb that connects the subject of a sentence with a noun, pronoun, or adjective that renames or describes the subject. Common linking verbs include "is," "was," "become," "seem," and "appear."

Looking at the given sentences:

1. Mateo became upset with me today. - In this sentence, the verb "became" is a linking verb because it connects the subject "Mateo" with the adjective phrase "upset with me." Thus, this sentence contains a linking verb.

2. I took his last cupcake without permission. - The verb "took" in this sentence is not a linking verb. It is an action verb because it represents an action (taking the cupcake).

3. He wanted to eat it this afternoon. - The verb "wanted" in this sentence is not a linking verb. It is also an action verb because it represents a desire or intention.

4. I bought him a new one as a surprise. - The verb "bought" in this sentence is not a linking verb. It is an action verb because it represents the action of purchasing something.

Therefore, the sentence that contains a linking verb is: Mateo became upset with me today.