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What type of power does the Constitution grant to the Supreme Court?
(1 point)
executive power
federal power
judicial power
legislative power

Which are examples of judicial restraint in the Supreme Court? Select all that apply.
(3 points)
•The verdict overturns the lower court’s ruling and sets a new precedent.
•The verdict is narrowly for the defendant, letting the previous verdict stand.
•The court uses previous cases as examples of what path to follow in their verdict.
•The court decides that the law must be rewritten to provide civil liberties for all.
•The court refuses to hear a case.

The question in every case is whether the words used are used in such circumstances and are of such a nature as to create a clear and present danger that they will bring about the substantive evils that Congress has a right to prevent.
–Schenck v. United States
Use the excerpt to answer the question.

In this excerpt, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes explains his ruling in Schenck v. United States. What argument is Holmes making about personal rights and free speech?
(1 point)
•The constitutional protection of free speech is absolute, and each person has a right to express his or herself however he or she wishes.
•The government has the authority to prohibit or limit free speech whenever it wants and for any reason.
•The protection of free speech is important, but there are some cases in which personal expression is irresponsible and can be banned.
•The public has the responsibility to decide when people are abusing their right to free speech.

Which is an example of prior restraint?
(1 point)
•An editor reviews a newspaper article before it is published and removes it because it is poorly researched.
•An interviewer goes“off the record” during an interview.
•Posters advertising a movie are removed because of indecency.
•The military censors a reporter’s articles when the reporter is embedded with a military unit in the field.

What is the general rule used by the Supreme Court when deciding if civil disobedience is a constitutionally protected right?
(1 point)
•If the protest is nonviolent, then civil disobedience is protected by the First Amendment right to free assembly.
•Civil disobedience is not protected by the First Amendment, and so protesters may be charged if they break any laws.
•When the laws being protested are unconstitutional, then civil disobedience is protected by the First Amendment.
•Acts of civil disobedience are not protected if carried out on public property but have First Amendment protection on private property.

Which entity can check the appointment power of the president?
(1 point)
•House of Representatives
•Supreme Court

Which branch does the president check by appointing Supreme Court justices?
(1 point)
•executive branch
•federal branch
•judicial branch
•legislative branch

A soldier in the U.S. Army does not return to his post following a leave and is charged with desertion. In which court would his case be heard?
(1 point)
•Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
•Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces
•Court of Federal Claims

What entity has the power to create the inferior courts of the national judiciary?
(1 point)
•Supreme Court
•state legislature

In the federal court system, the cases tried by the district courts
(1 point)
•are usually appealed to a higher court by the losing side.
•make up the majority of federal cases brought to trial.
•deal only with federal crimes as defined by Congress.
•always involve the United States as a plaintiff.

I recommend you read your text materials, then answer the questions. Someone here will be glad to check your answers.

Oh cool

Did you get the answers?

I wanna check mine.

Did you get the answers i want to check mine? I need to pass this class.

1. The Constitution grants judicial power to the Supreme Court. To find this information, you can refer to Article III of the United States Constitution, which establishes the judiciary branch and outlines the powers and jurisdiction of the Supreme Court.

2. To determine examples of judicial restraint in the Supreme Court, you need to analyze each statement and identify the ones that align with the concept of judicial restraint. Judicial restraint refers to a philosophy where judges prefer to limit their own power and defer to the decisions of elected officials and established legal precedent. Therefore, the correct examples of judicial restraint in the given options are:
- The verdict is narrowly for the defendant, letting the previous verdict stand.
- The court uses previous cases as examples of what path to follow in their verdict.
- The court refuses to hear a case.

3. In this excerpt, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes is arguing that the protection of free speech is important, but there are some cases in which personal expression is irresponsible and can be banned. He suggests that there are circumstances where speech can create a clear and present danger to the public and that Congress has the right to prevent such substantive evils. Therefore, the correct answer is "The protection of free speech is important, but there are some cases in which personal expression is irresponsible and can be banned."

4. An example of prior restraint is when the military censors a reporter's articles when the reporter is embedded with a military unit in the field. Prior restraint refers to the government's ability to prevent the publication or dissemination of specific information before it is published or shared. In this case, the military is censoring the reporter's articles to control the information that is made public. Therefore, the correct answer is "The military censors a reporter's articles when the reporter is embedded with a military unit in the field."

5. The general rule used by the Supreme Court when deciding if civil disobedience is a constitutionally protected right is that civil disobedience is not protected if carried out on public property but has First Amendment protection on private property. This means that individuals engaging in civil disobedience may be subject to legal consequences if they break any laws on public property but have more protection under the First Amendment if their actions occur on private property. Therefore, the correct answer is "Acts of civil disobedience are not protected if carried out on public property but have First Amendment protection on private property."

6. The entity that can check the appointment power of the president is the Senate. The president can appoint individuals to various positions within the government, but those appointments need to be confirmed by a majority vote in the Senate. Therefore, the correct answer is "Senate."

7. The branch that the president checks by appointing Supreme Court justices is the judicial branch. The president has the power to nominate individuals for vacancies in the Supreme Court, and once appointed, these justices serve as members of the judicial branch. Therefore, the correct answer is "judicial branch."

8. A soldier in the U.S. Army who does not return to his post following a leave and is charged with desertion would have his case heard in a court-martial. A court-martial is a military court that deals with cases involving members of the armed forces and their violations of military laws. Therefore, the correct answer is "court-martial."

9. The entity that has the power to create the inferior courts of the national judiciary is Congress. Under Article III, Section 1 of the United States Constitution, Congress has the authority to create and establish the inferior courts of the federal judiciary, which include the district courts and courts of appeals. Therefore, the correct answer is "Congress."

10. In the federal court system, the cases tried by the district courts make up the majority of federal cases brought to trial. District courts are the trial courts of the federal judicial system and handle a wide range of both civil and criminal cases. While some cases may be appealed to a higher court, the district courts are responsible for the initial trial and decision-making process in the federal court system. Therefore, the correct answer is "make up the majority of federal cases brought to trial."

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