Rosa is 14 years older than her sister Amy. 3 years ago, she was 3 times as old as Amy. How old are they now?

R=age of Rosa

A=age of Amy
then form two equations using information given:
"Rosa is 14 years older than her sister Amy." =>
R-A=14 =>
"3 years ago, she was 3 times as old as Amy."
Three years ago, both were 3 years younger, so
R=3A-9+3 =>

Solve for R and A using equations (1) and (2).
Hint: use substitution to solve for R and A.

To solve this problem, let's define the variables:

Let x be Amy's age now.
Rosa's age can be expressed as: x + 14 (since Rosa is 14 years older than Amy).

Three years ago, Amy's age was x - 3, and Rosa's age was (x + 14) - 3 = x + 11.

According to the problem, three years ago Rosa was three times as old as Amy, so we can set up the equation:

x + 11 = 3(x - 3)

Now, let's solve the equation:

x + 11 = 3x - 9

11 + 9 = 3x - x

20 = 2x

x = 10

So Amy's current age (x) is 10 years old.

Rosa's current age is x + 14 = 10 + 14 = 24 years old.

Therefore, Amy is currently 10 years old, and Rosa is currently 24 years old.