what are the three types of settlement patterns?

Since this is not my area of expertise, I searched Google under the key words "'settlement patterns' types" to get this source:


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I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

*Dispersed settlement pattern: The scattering of houses over a large area

*Linear settlement pattern: The grouping of houses along a line
*Nucleated settlement pattern: The grouping of many houses around a center called a nucleus

The three types of settlement patterns are dispersed, clustered, and linear. To understand these types, let's break them down:

1. Dispersed Settlement Pattern: This refers to a type of settlement where buildings and structures are scattered irregularly across the landscape. They are often found in rural or agricultural areas where there is ample land for each structure to be spaced out. To identify dispersed settlement patterns, you can look for individual buildings or houses located far apart from each other.

2. Clustered Settlement Pattern: This type of settlement pattern is characterized by buildings and structures grouped closely together. These settlements often emerge around a central point, such as a market or a water source. Clustered settlements are commonly found in urban areas and villages. Identifying a clustered settlement pattern can be done by observing a dense concentration of buildings within a limited geographic area.

3. Linear Settlement Pattern: In this pattern, buildings and structures are arranged in a linear or elongated form, following a natural or man-made feature, such as a road, river, or coastline. Linear settlements are often found along transportation routes or geographic features that facilitate movement and connectivity. To recognize a linear settlement pattern, you can observe a line or elongated shape of buildings or structures situated along a particular route or feature.

By understanding these three types of settlement patterns and analyzing the spatial arrangement of buildings and structures, you can identify the type of settlement pattern in a given area.