June has $1.95 in dimes and nickels. She has a total of 28 coins. How many dimes and how many nickels does she have?


10D+ 5N=195

Does that help?

d + n = 28

10d + 5n = 195

solve the system
... substitution or elimination

To solve this problem, let's set up a system of equations. Let's represent the number of dimes as 'd' and the number of nickels as 'n'.

We know that the total value of the coins is $1.95, which can be expressed as:

0.10d + 0.05n = 1.95 (equation 1)

We also know that the total number of coins is 28, so we can write:

d + n = 28 (equation 2)

To solve this system of equations, we can use either the substitution or elimination method. Let's use the substitution method.

We can solve equation 2 for d:

d = 28 - n

Now substitute this value of d into equation 1:

0.10(28 - n) + 0.05n = 1.95


2.80 - 0.10n + 0.05n = 1.95

Combine like terms:

-0.05n = -0.85

Divide both sides by -0.05:

n = 17

Now substitute the value of n back into equation 2 to find d:

d + 17 = 28

d = 28 - 17

d = 11

So June has 11 dimes and 17 nickels.