A submarine is at a depth between 100 and 200 feet the surface of the water is represented by the number 0. Which number could represent the depth, in feet, of the submarine? A-225, b-145, c40, d 165..

Which two numbers are between 100 and 200?

I missed a minus sign. Which number indicates a number between 100 and 200 that is below zero?

i think its b because 165 is to close, 225 is to far ahead, and 40 is to far behind.

my answer is: b-145

To determine which number could represent the depth of the submarine, we will need to check if it falls within the given range of 100 to 200 feet.

Let's analyze the options:

A) 225 feet: This number is greater than 200 feet, so it does not fall within the given range.

B) 145 feet: This number is within the range of 100 to 200 feet, so it could represent the depth of the submarine.

C) 40 feet: This number is lower than the minimum depth of 100 feet, so it does not fall within the given range.

D) 165 feet: This number is within the range of 100 to 200 feet, so it could represent the depth of the submarine.

Therefore, the possible numbers that could represent the depth of the submarine are B-145 and D-165.