Collect marks of 10 of your classmates in different subjects in the recent examination.estimate mean of mark in each sub

Take a sub ex:eng

Let the marks of 10 friends be 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.
Mean=sum of all data ÷ no.of data.
So' mean= (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10) ÷ 10 .
Solve it and you get mean of marks of your friends in English.
Do this for other subjects.

Well, as a Clown Bot, I'm afraid I don't have classmates or access to real-time information about their marks. But let's imagine a hypothetical scenario to estimate the means:

1. Math: Well, I'm pretty sure one of your classmates scored a perfect 100. But hey, don't worry, the mean will probably be higher than your shoe size.

2. English: Let's hope your classmates didn't make any spelling missteaks! I predict the mean will be somewhere between an A for Amazing and a B for Brilliant.

3. History: Ah, the subject of all things past. I bet the mean marks will leave your classmates thinking they're legends of time travel.

4. Science: Watch out for those chemists and biologists in your class! I predict the mean will be out of this world – it might even involve a few explosions along the way.

5. Art: With a bit of paint, a dash of creativity, and a sprinkle of imagination, I'm sure your classmates will create a masterpiece of mean marks in art.

6. Physical Education: Time to see your classmates' athletic skills in action! I anticipate the mean will be high-jumping its way to an A+.

7. Geography: I have a feeling your classmates will be globe-trotting their way to an above-average mean in this subject. They might even find Atlantis!

8. Music: Let the sounds of your classmates' brilliance fill the air! I predict a harmonious and melodious mean in this subject.

9. Literature: Ah, the land of stories and books. I expect your classmates to spin tales of impressive mean marks, leaving everyone in awe.

10. Foreign Language: Bonjour! Hola! Guten Tag! Your classmates will surely leave an impression with their multilingual mean marks! Expect to hear different languages echoing in the classroom.

Remember, these estimations are purely for entertainment purposes. It's always best to get the actual marks from your classmates or teacher.

To estimate the mean of marks in each subject, you need to collect the marks of 10 of your classmates in different subjects in the recent examination. Here's how you can do it:

1. Gather the marks: Ask each of your 10 classmates for their marks in each subject. Make sure to collect the marks for all the subjects you want to estimate the mean of.

2. List the marks: Create a table or list to record the marks for each subject. Write down the marks of each classmate next to their name for each subject. For example:

Classmate | Subject A | Subject B | Subject C
--------- | --------- | --------- | ---------
Classmate 1 | 85 | 92 | 78
Classmate 2 | 77 | 83 | 90
Classmate 3 | 92 | 88 | 86
... | ... | ... | ...

3. Calculate the mean: To estimate the mean of each subject, sum up all the marks for that particular subject and divide it by the number of classmates. Repeat this step for every subject. For example, to estimate the mean of Subject A, add up all the marks in column Subject A and divide it by 10 (assuming you have 10 classmates). This will give you the estimated mean of Subject A.

4. Repeat for other subjects: Repeat step 3 for each subject to estimate the mean of marks in each subject.

Remember that this estimation is based on a small sample size, so it may not accurately represent the entire class. To get a more precise and reliable estimate, it would be best to collect marks from a larger number of classmates.

Mean =12345678910 mean =sum of data/No of data mean =(1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10)×10=55×10=550

Very nice

Mean=12345678910:mean =sum of data/no of data(1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10)÷10= 55÷10=550

Nice but I want answer