Recall the scenario for this lesson’s discussion:

You are the CEO of a powerful and politically connected corporation in your area. You have lunch once a month at your club with other business leaders of influential conglomerates to see where your interests might intersect. You are currently working on crafting a proposal for legislation that will aid an essential part of your business. You need to prepare a statement about the bill and why you are supporting it to present to your lunch partners in the hope that they will also lend their company’s support to your legislation. You will participate in a discussion, explain your point of view, and try to convince others to join you. You should base your argument upon the principles of the Constitution and democracy, not on how the proposed legislation might help your company profit!

Prepare a two-paragraph statement outlined as follows:
paragraph 1 – Introduce the bill and the duties of the committee. Discuss why the committee is the right place for this bill based upon past legislation it has supported.
paragraph 2 – Cite evidence from the Constitution to support the bill regarding the committee’s responsibilities and the powers of Congress. You may reference business interests, but you should base your appeal upon the principles of democracy rather than capitalism! Work from the perspective of a CEO who needs to put his company first but who also needs to convince others unrelated to his business to help him.
Be sure to use quotes and properly cite your sources at the end of the letter.

Help me come up with an idea pls??

What kind of an idea do you need? The contents of the ordinance you want to propose? How to relate it to democracy and the Constitution? What?