to rent a van a moving company charges $40.00 plus $7.50 per mile. the table shows the total cost for the number of miles driven. enter an equation in slope- intercept in this represents this situation

No table.

To represent the given situation using a slope-intercept equation, you need to understand the components of the equation. The slope-intercept form is expressed as y = mx + b, where:

- "y" represents the total cost (dependent variable)
- "m" represents the slope (the rate of change, in this case, the cost per mile)
- "x" represents the number of miles driven (independent variable)
- "b" represents the y-intercept (the initial cost, in this case, the rental fee)

In the question, it states that the rental company charges $40.00 plus $7.50 per mile. This indicates that the slope, "m," is $7.50, and the y-intercept, "b," is $40.00.

Therefore, the slope-intercept equation for this situation would be:

y = 7.50x + 40.00

This equation represents the total cost, "y," in terms of the number of miles driven, "x," based on the given pricing structure of the moving company.