Diana and Jonah ordered at pizza Diana at 2/5 of the pizza and Jonah ate 1/3 of the remaining pizza if there were 10 slices to begin with how many slices were uneaten

Pete ate 1/3 of a pizza. Joe ate 1/6 of the same pizza and Guy ate 2/8 of the same pizza. What fraction of the pizza did they eat altogether?

To find the number of uneaten slices, we need to subtract the slices that Diana and Jonah ate from the total number of slices.

First, let's calculate the number of slices Diana ate:
Diana ate 2/5 of the pizza, so we can find this by multiplying 2/5 by the total number of slices in the pizza:
(2/5) * 10 = 4 slices.

Now, let's calculate the number of slices Jonah ate:
To get the remaining pizza after Diana ate, we need to subtract the slices Diana ate (4 slices) from the total number of slices (10 slices):
10 - 4 = 6 slices.

Jonah ate 1/3 of the remaining 6 slices, so we can calculate this by multiplying 1/3 by 6:
(1/3) * 6 = 2 slices.

Now, let's finally find the number of uneaten slices:
To get the total number of uneaten slices, we subtract the slices Diana and Jonah ate from the total number of slices:
10 - 4 - 2 = 4 slices.

Therefore, there are 4 slices left uneaten.

2/5 * 10 = 20/5 = 4 slices eaten by Diana

10 - 4 = 6 left after Diana ate

1/3 * 6 = 2 eaten by Jonah

10 - 4 - 2 = ? slices left