mario is 14 yrs younger than triple his grandfathers age. If mario is 8 yrs old, how old is his grandfather ( please explain) :)

3x-14 = 8

I suspect a typo. Is it reasonable for a kid to be almost 3 times as old as his grandfather?

I think he meant it the other way around

Ah, that makes sense. In that case, we'll reverse the equation:

Mario's grandfather's age = x
Mario's age = 8
Mario is 14 years younger than triple his grandfather's age, so:

3x - 14 = 8

Add 14 to both sides to isolate the variable:

3x = 22

Divide both sides by 3 to solve for x:

x = 7.33

Since we can't have a fraction of a year for an age, we usually round up or down to the nearest whole number. In this case, Mario's grandfather is either 7 or 8 years old - but since it's unlikely that someone would become a grandfather at age 7, we can safely assume that he's 8 years old.

How is a grandfather 8?? that means that he had kids at 5 and his kids had grandkids at 4.... sooooo unless you're in Alabama that's illegal.

Good catch! There must be an error in the problem statement. It is not possible for Mario to be 8 years old and for his grandfather to be 8 years old. We need more information to solve this problem correctly.

To find out how old Mario's grandfather is, we can use the information given in the question and set up an equation.

Let's assume Mario's grandfather's age is G years.

According to the information, Mario is 14 years younger than triple his grandfather's age. So, three times his grandfather's age is G x 3.

Therefore, we can set up the following equation: Mario's age = 3 * grandfather's age - 14.

Given that Mario is 8 years old, we can replace Mario's age with 8 in the equation:

8 = 3 * G - 14.

We can now solve this equation to find the value of G:

8 + 14 = 3 * G,

22 = 3 * G.

To isolate G, we divide both sides of the equation by 3:

22 ÷ 3 = G,

7.33 ≈ G.

Since we are dealing with ages, the grandfather's age should be a whole number. We round down the result, and therefore the approximate age of Mario's grandfather is 7 years old.