Plants perform photosynthesis and respiration. Dead plants are broken down and become part of the soil. Which of the following matter do plants help to cycle through ecosystems?

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Plants play a crucial role in cycling several types of matter through ecosystems. Specifically, they help cycle carbon and nutrients through the environment.

Plants are primary producers that perform photosynthesis, which involves capturing energy from the sun and converting carbon dioxide into organic compounds, including glucose. In this process, plants take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen as a byproduct. This helps maintain the balance of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and provides oxygen for other organisms.

When plants die, their organic matter decomposes, and this decomposition is facilitated by various decomposer organisms, such as bacteria and fungi. These decomposers break down the dead plant material and release nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, back into the soil. This nutrient recycling process is essential for the growth and survival of other organisms in the ecosystem.

Furthermore, when plants undergo respiration, they consume oxygen and produce carbon dioxide. This is similar to animals' respiration process. While photosynthesis primarily helps to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, respiration releases carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere.

In summary, plants help cycle carbon and nutrients through ecosystems by capturing carbon dioxide during photosynthesis, releasing oxygen, and providing organic matter that decomposes and releases nutrients back into the soil.