The average score on a recent test was 75%. One of the students earned a grade of 93% while another student earned a grade of 78%. A total of 23 students took the test. Find the average grade of the remaining 21 students.

If the average of the 21 students is x, then

21x + 78 + 93 = 23*75

Is that the answer or formula to go by

To find the average grade of the remaining 21 students, we need to subtract the grades of the two mentioned students from the average score and then divide by the number of remaining students. Here's how you can calculate it:

Step 1: Calculate the sum of the two mentioned students' grades.
93 + 78 = 171

Step 2: Calculate the average grade for the whole class.
average grade = sum of all grades / number of students
average grade = (75% * 23) = 1725 / 23 = 75

Step 3: Subtract the sum of the two mentioned students' grades from the average grade for the whole class.
average grade of the remaining students = average grade - sum of two grades
average grade of the remaining students = 75 - 171 = -96

Since it is not possible to have a negative average grade, we need to recheck the calculations. It seems that there might be an error.