Create an illustration that depicts a man, Henry, counting money, symbolizing his weekly wage. The image should show €450 represented by stacks of paper bills. Next to Henry, illustrate a smaller pile of €90, representing the amount he spends on rent. Add details such as a calculator on the table to suggest that he is calculating fractions. The image should not contain any written text. Make sure the rendition is done in a simple, cartoonish style.

Henry's weekly wage is €450 . If Henry spends €90 on rent. What fraction of his wages does he spend on rent?

To find the fraction of Henry's wages that he spends on rent, we need to divide the amount he spends on rent by his weekly wage.

Amount spent on rent: €90
Weekly wage: €450

Fraction spent on rent = (amount spent on rent) / (weekly wage)
= (€90) / (€450)

To simplify the fraction, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 90.

Fraction spent on rent = (€90 / €90) / (€450 / €90)
= 1/5

Therefore, Henry spends 1/5th of his weekly wage on rent.

To find the fraction of Henry's wages that he spends on rent, we need to divide the amount he spends on rent (€90) by his weekly wage (€450).

The formula for finding a fraction is:

Fraction = Part/Whole

In this case, the "part" is the amount Henry spends on rent (€90), and the "whole" is his weekly wage (€450).

Fraction = €90/€450

To simplify this fraction, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by 90 to get:

Fraction = 1/5

Therefore, Henry spends 1/5 of his wages on rent.

90/450 = _______

weekly wage x fraction = rent

X = fraction

(450)(x)= 90
x = 90/450
x = 1/5

answer: 1/5