Arrange the following in decreasing order of their massess . a. 2.5 moles of water. b. 3.012×10×24 c. 25 g of water

A. Moles of water = n×m 2.5 × 18 hsg

To arrange the given items in decreasing order of their masses, we need to compare the masses of each item.

Let's start by finding the mass of each item:

a. 2.5 moles of water:
To find the mass of 2.5 moles of water, we need to know the molar mass of water, which is approximately 18 g/mol. Therefore, the mass of 2.5 moles of water is 2.5 moles × 18 g/mol = 45 grams.

b. 3.012 × 10^24:
It seems like there might be a typo in this item. It is not clear what unit this value represents. Please provide more information or clarify the unit.

c. 25 grams of water:
The mass of 25 grams of water is given directly as 25 grams.

Now, we can compare the masses of the items:
b. (Unknown mass) - There is not enough information to compare the mass of this item. We would need to know the unit or quantity it represents in order to compare it with the other items.
a. 45 grams - 2.5 moles of water weigh 45 grams.
c. 25 grams - 25 grams of water weigh 25 grams.

Therefore, the decreasing order of their masses would be:
a. 45 grams
c. 25 grams
b. (Unknown)

in moles a=2.5, b=3E24/6E23=5moles, c=1.5moles