A car rental agency charges $44.12 per day plus mile for a certain type of car How much is the rental charge for a 3 days trip of 605 miles?

What don't you understand about this problem?

"plus mile" is really ambiguous.

Otherwise, all that you need to multiply the cost per day by the number of days the car was rented for.

A car rental agency charges $44.12 per day plus $0.44 per mile for a certain type of car how much is the rental charge for 3 day trip of 605 miles

Alright, it's the same idea, make an equation out of the information just like the first question I helped you with.

David I still got the wrong answer can you help me again I didn't know what I did wrong

What equation did you come up with, or rather, how did you go about trying to solve it.

I don't know if this is right I just did (44.12+44.12)+44.12+0.44

You have the [3 x $44.12] correct but for the [$0.44], it's not as simple as just adding the amount once. "Per mile" is your clue here.

To calculate the rental charge for a 3-day trip of 605 miles, you need to find the total cost of the daily rental charges and the additional charges based on the number of miles driven.

1. Calculate the rental charge for 3 days: Since the rental agency charges $44.12 per day, you multiply the daily rate by the number of days: $44.12 * 3 = $132.36.

2. Calculate the additional charges based on the 605 miles driven: The rental agency charges additional fees based on the number of miles driven. Let's assume the mileage rate is $0.50 per mile. Multiply the mileage rate by the number of miles driven: $0.50 * 605 = $302.50.

3. Find the total rental charge: Add the rental charge for the days and the additional mileage charges: $132.36 + $302.50 = $434.86.

Therefore, the rental charge for a 3-day trip of 605 miles will be $434.86.