stephanie ran 1 lap in 6 minutes. At this rate how far would she run in 30 minutes?

If you can See it says that Stephanie ran one lap in six minutes then it’s asking us how far would she run in 30 minutes. And the answer is quite simple all you have to do is divide 30 and six like this 30Divide six equals five so it is five laps that she ran in 30 minutes hope this helped you if you want me to answer some more just tell me

well, 30 = 6*5, so five times as far.

So if Stephanie ran a lap in six minutes how many laps did she run in 30 minutes well 6x30=180 I think this is yo answer

To find out how far Stephanie would run in 30 minutes, we can use a proportion equation since we know the time and distance are directly proportional.

Step 1: Determine the ratio of time and distance for the given information. Stephanie ran 1 lap in 6 minutes, so the ratio is 1 lap : 6 minutes.

Step 2: Set up a proportion equation using the ratio from step 1. Let "x" represent the distance Stephanie will run in 30 minutes.
1/6 = x/30

Step 3: Solve the proportion equation. Multiply both sides of the equation by 30 to isolate "x":
1/6 * 30 = x
5 = x

Step 4: Interpret the results. Stephanie would run 5 laps in 30 minutes at the same rate.
