the cost of banana is Re.1 more than that of an orange. Mr asad purchased 12 bananas and 20 oranges . if he paid Rs.108 to the fruit saller, find the price of a banana and orange.

B = O + 1

12B + 20O = 108

Substitute O+1 for B in the second equation and solve for O. Insert that value into the first equation to solve for B. Check by putting both values into the second equation.

Find the cost of 5 banana if the rate of banana is rupee 15 a dozen

Let's assume the price of an orange is x.

According to the given information, the cost of a banana is Re.1 more than that of an orange, so the cost of a banana would be x + Re.1.

Mr. Asad purchased 12 bananas, so the total cost of bananas would be 12 * (x + Re.1).

Similarly, Mr. Asad purchased 20 oranges, so the total cost of oranges would be 20x.

The total cost Mr. Asad paid to the fruit seller is Rs.108, so we can write the equation:

12 * (x + Re.1) + 20x = 108

Let's solve this equation to find the values of x and Re.1:

12x + 12(Re.1) + 20x = 108

32x + 12(Re.1) = 108

32x + 12(1) = 108

32x + 12 = 108

32x = 108 - 12

32x = 96

x = 96 / 32

x = 3

So, the price of an orange is Rs.3.

Now, let's find the price of a banana:

Price of a banana = x + Re.1 = 3 + Re.1

Since we know that the cost of a banana is Re.1 more than that of an orange:

Price of a banana = 3 + 1

Price of a banana = Rs.4

Therefore, the price of an orange is Rs.3 and the price of a banana is Rs.4.

To find the price of a banana and an orange, let's assume the cost of an orange is x rupees.

Given that the cost of a banana is Re.1 more than that of an orange, the cost of a banana would be x + Re.1.

Now, Mr. Asad purchased 12 bananas and 20 oranges, so the total cost would be:
(12 * (x + Re.1)) + (20 * x) = Rs.108

Now, let's simplify this equation to find the value of x (the cost of an orange):

12x + 12(Re.1) + 20x = 108
32x + 12(Re.1) = 108
32x = 108 - 12(Re.1)
32x = 108 - Re.12
32x = Re.96

Now, to find the cost of an orange (x), we divide both sides of the equation by 32:

x = Re.96 / 32
x = Re.3

Therefore, the cost of an orange is Rs.3.

Now, to find the cost of a banana (x + Re.1), we substitute the value of x into the expression:

x + Re.1 = 3 + Re.1 = Rs.4

Therefore, the cost of a banana is Rs.4.