This is part b:can someone help me of I'm doing this right.

Mr. Wizard started at zero and jump to left 7 feet. Auntie long legs started at zero and John to right 5 feet. Wright an absolute value statement that shows the distance that each frog ended up from zero. Which frog was farther from zero.

Mr. Wizard was farther from zero

[0 - 7] is not [-6].

Otherwise, you are correct so far.

Thank you David so it is |0-7|=|-7|=-7

Not quite, either the absolute value of a negative number is the positive version of that number. So, |-7| is 7.

To write an absolute value statement, you need to find the distance of each frog from zero. The formula to find the distance between a number and zero using absolute value is |x-0|, where x is the number.

For Mr. Wizard, his position is 7 feet to the left of zero, so the absolute value statement would be |0-7|. Evaluating this, we get |0-7|=|-7| which is equal to 7.

For Auntie Long Legs, her position is 5 feet to the right of zero, so the absolute value statement would be |0+5|. Evaluating this, we get |0+5|=|5| which is also equal to 5.

Therefore, Mr. Wizard ended up 7 feet from zero, while Auntie Long Legs ended up 5 feet from zero. Since 7 is greater than 5, Mr. Wizard was farther from zero.