A book of golf balls contains yellow golf balls and white golf balls. You collect the representative sample shown (3 yellow, 2 white). If the bucket contains 50 golf balls about how many golf balls are white ?

Mathquestions paper 2016

A bucket of golf balls contains yellow golf balls and white golf balls. You collect the representative sample shown. If the bucket contains 50 golf​ balls, about how many golf balls are white

A bucket of golf balls contains yellow golf balls and white golf balls. You collect the representative sample shown. If the bucket contains 50 golf​ balls, about how many golf balls are white

To estimate the number of white golf balls in the bucket, we will need to use the ratio of white golf balls to the total number of representative sample golf balls.

In this case, the representative sample has 3 yellow golf balls and 2 white golf balls. So, the ratio of white golf balls to the total number of golf balls in the sample is 2/5.

To find out how many white golf balls are expected in the bucket, we multiply this ratio by the total number of golf balls in the bucket (50).

Expected number of white golf balls = Ratio of white golf balls to total sample golf balls * Total number of golf balls in the bucket
= 2/5 * 50
= 20

Therefore, based on this representative sample, we can expect that there are approximately 20 white golf balls in the bucket.

2/5 = x/50