What is a scientist who studies humans???

physician, anthropologist, sociologist, psychologist,

I think it is anthropologist, and thank you

A scientist who studies humans is known as an anthropologist. Anthropology is the scientific study of human beings, their behavior, society, and cultures throughout history. Anthropologists study various aspects of human life, including physical traits, social behaviors, cultural practices, and the development of societies over time.

To find out more about anthropologists and their work, you can start by conducting a simple internet search using keywords like "anthropology," "anthropologist," or "study of humans." This will provide you with a wide range of resources, including articles, books, and academic journals that delve into the field of anthropology. It is also helpful to explore reputable educational websites or databases dedicated to anthropology.

Additionally, you might consider visiting libraries, both physical and digital, to access scholarly books and papers on the subject. University libraries often provide access to academic databases that contain a wealth of research materials. Exploring these resources will help you gain a comprehensive understanding of the fascinating field of anthropology and the work of anthropologists who study humans.