Carols stamp collection

France 24%
England 22%
Italy 25%
Norway 29%

How many more of Carol's stamps are from Norway than from France?

A. 5 stamps
B. 24 stamps
C. 29 stamps
D. 53 stamps

I think its A

I think your correct


To find out how many more stamps Carol has from Norway than from France, we need to subtract the percentage of stamps from France from the percentage of stamps from Norway.

First, let's convert the percentages to actual values. Suppose Carol has a total of 100 stamps:

- France: 24% of 100 = 24 stamps
- England: 22% of 100 = 22 stamps
- Italy: 25% of 100 = 25 stamps
- Norway: 29% of 100 = 29 stamps

Now, calculate the difference between the number of stamps from Norway and France:

29 stamps (Norway) - 24 stamps (France) = 5 stamps

Therefore, Carol has 5 more stamps from Norway than from France.

The correct option is A. 5 stamps.