Which of the following would be most likely lead to increased biodiversity? 1) clear cutting 2) oil drilling 3) national park planning 4) farming

I thing 3

LOL, that was easy ;)


The answer is 3

You are correct. National park planning is most likely to lead to increased biodiversity. Now let's understand how we arrived at this answer.

To determine which option would lead to increased biodiversity, we need to understand the impact of each activity on the environment.

1) Clear cutting: Clear cutting is the practice of removing all trees from a given area. This activity can lead to a loss of habitat for many species and a decrease in biodiversity. Therefore, clear cutting is unlikely to lead to increased biodiversity.

2) Oil drilling: Oil drilling involves the extraction of fossil fuels from the Earth's crust. While this activity has economic benefits, it often causes pollution, habitat destruction, and other negative impacts on the environment. Therefore, oil drilling is also unlikely to lead to increased biodiversity.

3) National park planning: National park planning involves the establishment and management of protected areas to conserve ecosystems and species. National parks often emphasize biodiversity conservation and habitat protection. By designating and managing areas specifically for the preservation of natural resources, national park planning is most likely to promote increased biodiversity.

4) Farming: Farming involves cultivating crops or raising livestock for food production. While farming is necessary for food security, intensive agricultural practices often lead to habitat destruction, use of pesticides, and the loss of natural habitats for many species. Therefore, farming is unlikely to lead to increased biodiversity compared to national park planning.

In conclusion, option 3) national park planning is the most likely to lead to increased biodiversity.