how do you solve Fcos29(degree)-210.308-0.58Fsin29=0

Solving for F?

F= 210.308/(cos269-.58sin29)

To solve for F in the equation Fcos29 - 210.308 - 0.58Fsin29 = 0, follow these steps:

Step 1: Combine like terms
Fcos29 - 0.58Fsin29 = 210.308

Step 2: Factor out F from the left side
F(cos29 - 0.58sin29) = 210.308

Step 3: Divide both sides by (cos29 - 0.58sin29) to solve for F
F = 210.308 / (cos29 - 0.58sin29)

By substituting the values of cos29 and sin29 into the equation, you can evaluate the expression and find the value of F.