Fill in the blank

The purpose of the act was to provide land to railroad companies so that a transcontinental railroad could be built.

What blank?

The purpose of the act was to provide land to railroad companies so that a transcontinental railroad could be built.

The space is between the words the and act

The link I posted has your answer.

The purpose of the ________ act was to provide land to railroad companies so that a transcontinental railroad could be built.

To get the answer to this question, we can break it down and identify the keywords. Here, the keywords are "purpose," "act," "provide land," "railroad companies," and "transcontinental railroad." By focusing on these keywords, we can search for information related to an act that fulfilled these criteria.

In this case, the missing word would be "Pacific." The answer is the Pacific Railroad Act. This act, passed by the United States Congress in 1862, granted land and government bonds to the Union Pacific and Central Pacific Railroad companies to facilitate the construction of the first transcontinental railroad across the United States.