Macy's is having a special on Tuesday .you can buy each tshirt at its regular price or you can buy tshirt for $ $ 25 Julie bought one of each tshirt at sale price of $ 25.00 what percentage of the original total rice did Julie save.

Harry Julie's best friend also paid $ 25.00 for three tshirt After using at 30% of coupon what is the original price of Harry's three tshirt

What is the regular price of the t-shirts?

How many t-shirts can you buy for $25?

$10.50, $ 11.90'and $10.45

10.5 + 11.9 + 10.45 = t

t - 25 = ?

Anybody answer those

To calculate the percentage of the original total price that Julie saved, we need to compare the sale price ($25) to the original price. Unfortunately, the original price is not provided in the given information. Therefore, we cannot determine the exact percentage that Julie saved without knowing the original price of the t-shirts.

However, we can explain how to calculate it if we have the original price. Let's assume the original price of each t-shirt is $X. Since Julie bought one of each t-shirt at the sale price ($25.00), she saved $X - $25.00 on each t-shirt. If we multiply this difference by the number of t-shirts Julie bought and divide it by the original total price, we can find the percentage savings.

Let's say Julie bought n t-shirts. The formula to calculate the percentage savings would be:

Percentage savings = [(n * (X - $25)) / (n * X)] * 100

Now let's move on to Harry's situation. We are given that Harry paid $25.00 for three t-shirts after using a 30% coupon. To find the original price of Harry's three t-shirts, we need to calculate the amount he paid after the discount and then divide it by (1 - 0.30) to remove the effect of the discount. Let's say the original price of each t-shirt is $Y.

Amount paid after the 30% discount = $25.00
Original price of three t-shirts = ($25.00 / (1 - 0.30))

Now we can calculate the original price of Harry's three t-shirts.