Active volcanos are most likely to form at

a)transform boundaries
b)divergent boundaries
c)the center of continents]
d)convergent oceanic-continental boundaries

The ______ is an exampleof a tranform boundary.
a)Aappalachian Mountains
c)Mid-Atlantic Ridge
d)San Andreas Fault

The result of plate movement can be seen on the
a)abyssal plains
b)ocean margins

To determine the answers, we need to understand the different types of plate boundaries and their associated geological features.

1) Active volcanoes are most likely to form at convergent oceanic-continental boundaries (Option d). This type of boundary occurs where an oceanic tectonic plate collides with a continental tectonic plate. The denser oceanic plate typically subducts beneath the less dense continental plate, creating a subduction zone. This subduction leads to the formation of volcanic arcs, such as the Andes in South America or the Cascade Range in North America, where active volcanoes are commonly found.

2) The San Andreas Fault is an example of a transform boundary (Option d). A transform boundary occurs when two tectonic plates slide horizontally past each other. The San Andreas Fault in California is a prominent example of this, where the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate are moving in opposite directions. Transform boundaries do not typically result in the formation of volcanoes, but they are known for causing earthquakes.

3) The result of plate movement can be seen on both ocean margins (Option b) and abyssal plains (Option a).

a) Abyssal plains are flat areas found on the deep-ocean floor. They are formed as a result of sediment accumulation over long periods of time. Plate movement is responsible for the spreading of the oceanic crust at divergent boundaries, which leads to the formation of new crust. The magma that rises to the surface creates new crust, eventually becoming part of the abyssal plains.

b) Ocean margins encompass the areas where the continents meet the ocean basins. They are influenced by plate tectonics and can exhibit various geological features like continental shelves, continental slopes, and deep-sea trenches. The movement of tectonic plates along these margins can result in the creation of these features.

Therefore, the correct answer for the result of plate movement can be seen on option b) ocean margins.

Active volcanos are most likely to form at:

d) convergent oceanic-continental boundaries

The ______ is an example of a transform boundary:

d) San Andreas Fault

The result of plate movement can be seen on the:

b) ocean margins