Two blocks are connected by massless string that is wrapped around a pulley. Block 1 has a mass m1=6.50 kg, block 2 has a mass m2=2.50kg, while the pulley has a mass of 1.40 kg and a radius of 22.0 cm. When the pulley turns, there is friction in the axel that exerts a torque of magnitude 0.300 N m.

If block 1 is released from rest at a height h=0.900
m, how long does it take to drop to the floor


The acceleration of block 1 can be calculated using Newton's second law:

a = F/m1 = (m2g - 0.300 N m)/6.50 kg = (2.50 kg * 9.81 m/s^2 - 0.300 N m)/6.50 kg = 2.45 m/s^2

The time it takes for block 1 to drop to the floor can be calculated using the equation for motion with constant acceleration:

t = (2*h)/(vf + vi) = (2*0.900 m)/(0 + 0) = 2.00 s

To find the time it takes for block 1 to drop to the floor, we can use the principle of conservation of mechanical energy. The initial potential energy of block 1 is converted into the final kinetic energy when it reaches the floor.

1. Find the initial potential energy of block 1:
The potential energy can be calculated using the formula: PE = mgh, where m is the mass, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height.
PE1 = m1gh
PE1 = (6.50 kg)(9.8 m/s^2)(0.900 m)

2. Find the final kinetic energy of block 1:
The kinetic energy formula is: KE = (1/2)mv^2, where m is the mass and v is the final velocity.
Since block 1 is released from rest, the final velocity can be found using the formula: v = (2gh)^0.5
KE1 = (1/2)m1((2gh)^0.5)^2

3. Set the initial potential energy equal to the final kinetic energy and solve for v:
PE1 = KE1
m1gh = (1/2)m1((2gh)^0.5)^2
Simplify the equation using the given values.

4. Find the acceleration of block 1:
The acceleration can be calculated using the formula: a = (v^2)/(2h)
a = v^2 / (2h)
Simplify the equation using the value of v from the previous step.

5. Find the time it takes for block 1 to drop to the floor:
The time can be calculated using the formula: t = (2h)^(0.5) / (g)^(0.5)
t = (2h)^(0.5) / (g)^(0.5)
Simplify the equation using the given value of h.

Now, you can substitute the given values into these formulas and calculate the time it takes for block 1 to drop to the floor.

To find the time it takes for block 1 to drop to the floor, we can first determine the acceleration of the system.

1. Start by finding the tension in the string connecting the two blocks:
- The force on block 1 due to its weight is given by F1 = m1 * g, where g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2).
- The force on block 2 due to its weight is given by F2 = m2 * g.
- Since the string is massless, the tension in the string is the same throughout, so T = F1 = F2.

2. Next, calculate the net torque acting on the pulley:
- The force of friction in the axle exerts a torque in the opposite direction of the rotation.
- The torque due to friction is given by torque_friction = -0.300 N m.
- The torque due to the tension in the string is given by torque_tension = T * r, where r is the radius of the pulley (22.0 cm or 0.22 m).
- Since the pulley is in rotational equilibrium, these torques must balance, so torque_friction = torque_tension.

3. Solve for the tension in the string:
- Equate the two torques: -0.300 N m = T * r.
- Rearrange the equation: T = -0.300 N m / r.

4. Use Newton's second law to find the acceleration of the system:
- The net force on block 1 is given by F1 - T = m1 * a, where a is the acceleration.
- Since the tension in the string has been determined, we know m1, and can solve for a.

5. Use the kinematic equation to find the time it takes for block 1 to drop to the floor:
- The kinematic equation that relates distance, initial velocity, acceleration, and time is: h = (1/2) * a * t^2, where h is the height, a is the acceleration, and t is the time.
- Rearrange the equation to solve for t: t = sqrt((2 * h) / a), where sqrt denotes the square root.

Plug in the known values into the equations above to calculate the time it takes for block 1 to drop to the floor.