the perimeter of a farm is187.2m .if its width is 39m,then find the ratio between its length and width.

it didn't mean anything


To find the ratio between the length and width, we need to know the length of the farm.

Let's denote the length of the farm as 'L'.

The perimeter of a rectangle can be calculated by adding the lengths of all four sides. In this case, we have:

Perimeter = 2 * (Length + Width)

Given that the perimeter is 187.2m and the width is 39m, we can substitute these values into the formula:

187.2 = 2 * (L + 39)

Dividing both sides of the equation by 2, we get:

93.6 = L + 39

Next, we isolate the length by subtracting 39 from both sides:

L = 93.6 - 39 = 54.6

Now that we know the length is 54.6m and the width is 39m, we can calculate the ratio.

Ratio = Length / Width = 54.6 / 39 ≈ 1.4

Therefore, the ratio between the length and width of the farm is approximately 1.4.


the permiter of a farm is 187.2m if its width 39m then find the rario between its length and width

Assuming the farm is a rectangle ...

length --- x
width = 39

2x + 2(39) = 187.2

find x

once you have x, take x/39