in the short story "gregory" by panos ioannides why does the author choose to use the title Gregory

can someone please help me with the question

thank you

Isn't Gregory the name of the main character?

no the narrator is the main charactor the narrator is the person ordered to kill gregory

I haven't read the story, but from a brief description, I've gathered that the story is mostly about Gregory.

To understand why the author, Panos Ioannides, chose to use the title "Gregory" for his short story, we need to analyze the story and the role of the character named Gregory in it. Here's how you can approach finding the answer:

1. Read the short story: If you haven't already, read the short story "Gregory" by Panos Ioannides. Familiarize yourself with the plot, characters, and themes explored in the story.

2. Analyze Gregory's role: Pay attention to the character of Gregory and his significance within the story. Consider factors such as his personality, actions, and relationships with other characters.

3. Look for connections: Notice if there are any particular themes or motifs associated with Gregory. Consider how his presence and role contribute to the overall meaning or message of the story.

4. Reflect on the title: Think about why the author might have chosen Gregory as the title. Consider any symbolic, thematic, or narrative reasons that inspired the author to name the story after this specific character.

5. Interpretation: Based on your analysis of the story and the character, propose a theory as to why the author used the title "Gregory." This could involve exploring themes of identity, personal growth, or social commentary within the story.

Remember, the interpretation of literary works can be subjective, so different readers may have different insights. The key is to support your interpretation with evidence from the story itself.