Which of the following will make it harder in the future to develop sustainable methods for humans using resources? 1) there will be fewer renewable resources 2) more humans will populate the earth 3) more humans will recycle mterials

1 because if we keep going on the same course less and less natural resources will be available to us

To determine which of the given options will make it harder in the future to develop sustainable methods for humans using resources, let's analyze each option one by one:

1) There will be fewer renewable resources: This option suggests that the availability of renewable resources will decrease in the future. If this is the case, it will indeed make it more challenging to develop sustainable methods. To verify this information, you could refer to scientific studies, reports from environmental agencies, or consult experts in the field to understand the current and future projections of renewable resource availability.

2) More humans will populate the earth: This option implies that the global population will continue to increase. A higher population will put additional pressure on resources and could potentially make it harder to develop sustainable methods. To determine the projected population growth, you can refer to demographic studies, population reports from reliable sources such as the United Nations, or consult experts in population studies.

3) More humans will recycle materials: This option suggests that the recycling efforts of humans will increase. Recycling plays a crucial role in sustainability by reducing waste and conserving resources. If the recycling efforts of humans are indeed increasing, it could potentially mitigate some of the resource challenges. To verify this information, you can consult environmental reports, recycling statistics from reliable sources such as waste management agencies, or consult experts in the field.

Based on the analysis of these options, it seems that options 1 and 2 would make it harder in the future to develop sustainable methods for humans using resources. However, option 3 suggests a positive trend toward resource conservation, which could potentially help in the development of sustainable methods.