How do people use quotation marks with periods? This always confuses me. Are there any good sites on the topic?

In American English, periods should go inside of (before) the closing quotation marks.

Here are a number of sites.

Using quotation marks with periods can seem confusing at first, but it is actually quite straightforward once you understand the basic rules. Here's how you can use quotation marks and periods correctly:

1. Periods inside quotation marks: In American English, periods are typically placed inside the closing quotation mark, regardless of whether the period is part of the quoted text. For example:
- Correct: "I love reading fiction."
- Incorrect: "I love reading fiction".

2. Periods outside quotation marks: In British English, periods are often placed outside the closing quotation mark unless the period is part of the cited material. For example:
- Correct (British): "I love reading fiction".
- Incorrect (British): "I love reading fiction."

3. Use of other punctuation marks: The placement of other punctuation marks—such as commas, question marks, and exclamation marks—can vary depending on their relationship to the quoted material. In general, these punctuation marks are placed inside the closing quotation mark if they are part of the quoted text, and outside if they are not. For example:
- Correct: She asked, "Are you coming?"
- Correct: Did you hear her say, "I can't wait"?
- Incorrect: She asked, "Are you coming?"

As for finding additional resources on this topic, there are numerous websites that provide detailed explanations and examples of using quotation marks with periods. Here are a few reputable sites you can refer to:

1. Grammarly: This online grammar resource offers explanations and examples on various writing topics, including quotation marks. You can find their guide on using quotation marks here:

2. Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL): The OWL website from Purdue University is an excellent resource for writing tips and guidelines. They have a section dedicated to punctuation, which includes information on using quotation marks:

3. The Chicago Manual of Style Online: If you are looking for a comprehensive guide to punctuation rules, including quotation marks, the Chicago Manual of Style Online is a trusted resource. Access to the full manual may require a subscription, but they offer a free trial period:

By referring to these resources and practicing the rules mentioned above, you'll soon become more confident in using quotation marks with periods correctly.