The ratio of the number of cats to the number of dogs in an animal shelter was 2:3. After 120 cats were adopted, the ratio of the number of cats to the number of dogs became 3:7. Find the total number of cats and dogs in the animal shelter in the end?

That's the exact words on the there anyone can help pls?


i don't see the answer though

That's the exact words on the there anyone can help pls?

ok, the cat's were adopted, that means the count was reduced by 120, not increased.

I read the question incorrectly

number of cats after adoption = 2x - 120

make the simple change in the equation and solve

number of cats ---- 2x

number of dogs ----3x

after adoption:
number of cats = 2x + 120

(2x+120) : 3x = 3 : 7
(2x+120)/(3x) = 3/7
14x + 840 = 9x
5x = -840
x is a negative, which is not possible.

notice 2:3 = .66..
and 3:7 = .42 , which is < 2/3
How can the ratio of cats : dogs decrease after the number of cats increased?
Check the wording of your question.

That's the exact words on the problem.