A sample of carbon monoxide was collected over water at a total pressure of 752 torr and a temperature of 15°C. What is the pressure (in torr) of the carbon monoxide?

VP(HOH) = 12.8 Torr at 15C*

(Google VP(HOH)at 15C)

VP(HOH) + VP(CO)= Total Pressure
12.8Torr + VP(CO) = 752Torr
VP(CO) = (752-12.8)Torr = 739.2 Torr

To find the pressure of carbon monoxide (CO), we need to subtract the vapor pressure of water from the total pressure in the sample. The vapor pressure of water depends on the temperature, so we'll need to look it up in a reference table or use a vapor pressure calculator.

First, let's convert the temperature from Celsius to Kelvin. We add 273 to get:

Temperature (K) = 15°C + 273 = 288 K

Next, we need to find the vapor pressure of water at 288 K. Using a vapor pressure table or calculator, we find that the vapor pressure of water at 288 K is approximately 17.54 torr.

Now we can calculate the pressure of carbon monoxide:

Pressure of CO = Total pressure - Vapor pressure of water

Pressure of CO = 752 torr - 17.54 torr

Pressure of CO ≈ 734.46 torr

Therefore, the pressure of carbon monoxide in the sample is approximately 734.46 torr.