Draw a model. Then,write the numerical expressions. 5 times the sum of 7 and 23.

This is similar to the question I just answered for you.

What do you think?

how i do it it says 5 times the sum do i just multiply it 5 times?

What is the numerical expression?

7 and 23 correct

5(7 + 23)

To draw a model of the expression "5 times the sum of 7 and 23," we can first represent the two numbers, 7 and 23, in a diagram. We can use circles to represent each number.

Let's draw a circle and label it as "7" and another circle labeled as "23" next to it.

---- 7 ---- ---- 23 ----

Next, we need to represent the sum of 7 and 23. To do this, we can connect the circles with a plus sign (+) symbol.

---- 7 ----- +
---- 23 -----

Now, we need to multiply this sum by 5. To represent the multiplication operation, we can draw an "X" symbol connecting the sum to the number 5.

---- 7 ----- +
---- 23 ----- X 5

The model is complete. It represents the expression "5 times the sum of 7 and 23."

Now let's write the numerical expression:

To do this, we can use the mathematical notation. The sum of 7 and 23 is represented by (7 + 23). We can then multiply this sum by 5, which is represented by (7 + 23) * 5.

The numerical expression for "5 times the sum of 7 and 23" is (7 + 23) * 5.