Ragili made 6 liters of lemonade by mixing 1.5 liters od lemon juice and rest water.how much lemon juice will be needed to make 16 liters of lemonade ?

1.5/6 = x/16

x = 16 * 1.5 / 6

To find out how much lemon juice is needed to make 16 liters of lemonade, we can start by determining the ratio of lemon juice to total liquid in the original recipe.

In the original recipe, Ragili mixed 1.5 liters of lemon juice with the rest of the liquid (water). Since the total volume of the lemonade is 6 liters, the amount of water used is 6 - 1.5 = 4.5 liters.

Now, we can use this ratio to calculate the amount of lemon juice needed to make 16 liters of lemonade.

If the ratio of lemon juice to water remains the same, we can set up a proportion:

1.5 liters of lemon juice / 4.5 liters of liquid (lemon juice + water) = x liters of lemon juice / 16 liters of liquid (lemon juice + water)

Cross-multiplying, we get:

1.5 * 16 = 4.5 * x

24 = 4.5x

Dividing both sides by 4.5, we find:

x = 24 / 4.5

x ≈ 5.33

Therefore, approximately 5.33 liters of lemon juice will be needed to make 16 liters of lemonade.

To determine how much lemon juice is needed to make 16 liters of lemonade, we need to analyze the proportions in the given information.

According to the given information, Ragili made 6 liters of lemonade by mixing 1.5 liters of lemon juice with the rest being water. This indicates that the lemon juice-water ratio is 1.5:4.5, or 1:3.

Now, we need to apply this ratio to find out how much lemon juice is needed to make 16 liters of lemonade. Since the ratio of lemon juice to water is 1:3, for every 1 part of lemon juice, there will be 3 parts of water.

So, if we assume x represents the amount of lemon juice needed, then the amount of water needed to make 16 liters of lemonade would be 3x, according to the proportion.

Therefore, the equation would be:

x + 3x = 16

Now, solving the equation:

4x = 16
x = 16/4
x = 4

Hence, to make 16 liters of lemonade, Ragili would need 4 liters of lemon juice.