Ade is four times as old as his sister Sola.If the sum of their ages is 20.Find the difference of their ages.

I have a question bayo is four times as old as her sister Elizabeth if the sum of their ages is twenty years find the difference between their ages

12 year

To find the difference between Ade's and Sola's ages, we first need to determine their individual ages.

Let's assign variables to their ages:
Ade's age = A
Sola's age = S

Based on the information provided, we can set up two equations:

1. Ade is four times as old as his sister Sola: A = 4S
2. The sum of their ages is 20: A + S = 20

To solve for the ages, we can use the second equation and substitute the value of A from the first equation:

4S + S = 20 (Substitute A = 4S)
5S = 20
S = 20 / 5
S = 4

Sola's age is 4 years.

Now, we can substitute the value of S back into the first equation to find Ade's age:

A = 4S
A = 4(4)
A = 16

Ade's age is 16 years.

Finally, to find the difference between their ages, we subtract Sola's age from Ade's age:

Difference = Ade's age - Sola's age
Difference = 16 - 4
Difference = 12

Therefore, the difference between Ade's and Sola's ages is 12 years.
